Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland

Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland

Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland – Bellosa Counseling – 847.656.5259 for an Initial Consultation

Professional Counseling for Chicagoland – Advanced Training, Experience in Counseling, Mental Health

Anyone who grew up in an alcoholic household is likely familiar with the feeling of constant uncertainty. When one or each parents struggles with alcohol addiction, the residential environment is simply unpredictable. Arguments, inconsistencies and daily chaos tends to be the norm is such households.

Children of alcoholics do not get their emotional requirements met on account of these challenges. Consequently, they later exhibit counterproductive behaviors and difficulty with properly taking care of themselves.

Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland typically do not receive healthy emotional support during critical developmental periods in their youth. Conversely, they were likely preoccupied with the dysfunctional behaviors of one or both parents. Certainly, it may be very hard to understand how to fulfill your needs in adulthood. Furthermore, those lacking in positive foundational relations may find it a challenge to form healthy and trusting relationships.

Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland frequently deny their feelings of anger and sadness as a way of surviving. Because emotions will always emerge eventually, they typically manifest in adulthood. The positive news is that you can recognize symptoms and seek very effective counseling.

Symptoms of adult children of alcoholics:

-They struggle to complete projects.

-Guess at what they view as normal behaviors.

-Lie even when it is just as easy to simply tell the truth.

-Judge themselves harshly and with no mercy.

-Have a difficult time enjoying themselves.

-View themselves and their actions too seriously.

-Experience difficulty in maintaining close relationships.

Bellosa Counseling – Serving Chicagoland

  • -Overreactions when things change. Overreacting to things over which they do not have control.
  • -Continually seek the approval of others.
  • -Feel as though they are different from others.
  • -Are consistently irresponsible or impulsive. They tend to commit themselves to a plan of action with no consideration to consequences. This impulsiveness results in confusion, self-hating and lack of control over one’s environment. Additionally, they often spend a lot of time and energy cleaning up these messy consequences.
  • -Show extreme loyalty even if the relationship does not warrant it.
  • -Experience isolation.
  • -Feel fear of other people and figures of authority.
  • -Continually seek approval of others.
  • -Are fearful of angry, emotional people.
  • -Be overly sensitive toward criticism.
  • -Be prone to becoming alcoholics themselves. Or, marry someone with alcoholic tendencies.
  • -View their life experiences from the viewpoint of a victim.
  • -Experience an overwhelming sensation of responsibility.
  • -Show more concern for the well-being of others instead of their own.
  • -Have feelings of guilt when they advocate for themselves.
  • -Develop an addiction to exciting activities.
  • -Confuse feelings of pity and love.
  • -Block out their emotions, lose the capacity to experience emotions.
  • -Become afraid of abandonment.
  • -Will do anything to maintain a relationship even if it is not a beneficial one.
  • -They may exhibit characteristics of alcoholism without consuming alcohol.
  • -Often function as a reactor instead of initiating actions.

Certainly, if you are a child of an alcoholic not everything on this listing applies to you. However, it’s likely that some symptoms will apply.

In many instances, Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland lose themselves within their relationships. In addition, they may find themselves drawn to alcoholics, workaholics or those are emotionally not available.

Contact Bellosa Counseling at 847-656-5259

Adult children might develop relationships with people in need of their help or in need of “rescuing.”

By placing a focus on the needs of others, they do not need to consider their own challenges.

Frequently, adult children discover that seeking counseling for insight into their behaviors, struggles and emotions is very beneficial. Counseling helps them attain better awareness of how childhood experiences shape their development. This can feel like an overwhelming challenge at the beginning. However, counseling helps people learn how to show their needs and manage conflict in a constructive way.

Counseling for Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Seek treatment at Bellosa Counseling for narcissistic personality disorders. A type of personality disorder, this is a mental condition characterized by an outsized sense of one’s own importance. Additionally, those with this disorder exhibit a need for a lot of attention and trouble with relationships. They also display an absence of empathy for other people. However, beneath this display of confidence is often a low self-esteem which is vulnerable to even minor criticism.

A narcissistic personality disorder results in problems within multiple aspects of life. For example, difficulty with relationships, jobs, school or handling of money. People with this disorder are typically unhappy and feel disappointment if not shown the admiration they feel they deserve. Consequently, they might view their relationships as unfulfilling and other people might not enjoy being with them.

Serving Chicagoland with Expert Counseling

Counseling for narcissistic personality disorder generally centers on talk therapy.

Signs of narcissistic personality disorder and its severity varies according to the individual. In general, those with the disorder display:

-An exaggerated view of their own self-importance.

-A sense of entitlement and an ongoing need for admiration.

-A need for recognition as superior despite a lack of achievements. Additionally, they may exaggerate their abilities and achievements.

Treatment for Alcohol and Substance Abuse at Bellosa Counseling

-A preoccupation with stories of success, beauty, power or the ideal mate.

-A belief they should associate only with other people of the same superior status.

-Tendency to monopolize discussions and belittle other people whom they view as inferior.

An expectation of special recognition and compliance with those expectations.

-Will take advantage of other people to attain what they want.

-Not able or simply unwilling to recognize the wants and emotions of other people.

-Feel envy toward others or believe that others are envious of them.

-Conduct themselves in an arrogant manner or come across as pretentious and boastful.

-Demand the best of things. For example, the best vehicle or office.

However, people with this variety of personality disorder may also struggle if they receive even minor criticism. As a result, they may:

-Feel impatience or anger if they do not receive what they view as special treatment.

-Experience significant relationship problems and feel slighted easily.

-React with anger and attempt to belittle other persons in order to make themselves look superior.

-Difficulty managing emotions and behaviors.

-Experience difficulty managing stressors and adapting to changes.

-Feel depression and negative moods when they fall short of perfecting something.

-Have emotions of shame, insecurity and humiliation.

Schedule an Appointment Today – 847-656-5259

When to Seek Professional Help

People with a narcissistic personality disorder might not believe that anything is wrong so they may not consider treatment. In the event they do pursue treatment, it’s likely to be for signs of depression or perhaps alcohol abuse. What they view as insults to their self-esteem often makes it hard to accept and commit to treatment.

Should you recognize elements of your personality which are common signs of narcissistic personality disorder, contact Bellosa Counseling. Likewise, if you’re feeling excessive sadness, do not delay to reach out to the experts at our facility. Receiving the right type of treatment will help your life become healthier and more enjoyable.

Help is Available at Bellosa Counseling – Treatment for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Issues

Bellosa Counseling’s offices are at 350 South Northwest Highway, Suite 300 in Park Ridge, IL. Our staff of professional counselors are here to help Adult Children of Alcoholics Chicagoland. In addition, we treat narcissistic personality disorders, drug abuse, depression, anxiety of many other issues.