The professional, compassionate therapists at Bellosa Counseling have many years of experience in treating individuals and their families who are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Neurodevelopmental Condition

A neurodevelopmental condition, ASD is characterized by a number of challenges relating to communication, repetitive behaviors and social interactions.

Timely intervention and early identification of the signs of ASD is critical.
Children with ASD may display difficulties in holding a conversation, recognizing non-verbal communication and making eye contact.

An intense focus on particular interests and resistance to change in their routine are common signs, too. It’s important to point out that ASD is a spectrum, which means that individuals with it can experience a broad array of symptoms.

Autism Spectrum Disorders


The professional, compassionate therapists at Bellosa Counseling have many years of experience in treating individuals and their families who are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Neurodevelopmental Condition

A neurodevelopmental condition, ASD is characterized by a number of challenges relating to communication, repetitive behaviors and social interactions.

Timely intervention and early identification of the signs of ASD is critical.
Children with ASD may display difficulties in holding a conversation, recognizing non-verbal communication and making eye contact.

An intense focus on particular interests and resistance to change in their routine are common signs, too. It’s important to point out that ASD is a spectrum, which means that individuals with it can experience a broad array of symptoms.

Autism Spectrum Disorders

Therapy can provide significant benefits

Fortunately, therapy can provide significant benefits for people of any age with ASD. For instance, they can learn to develop communication skills and how to better manage social interactions. Speech therapy can also help to improve communication abilities. These therapies are founded in a tailored strategy
to address the client’s specific challenges.

Early intervention serves an important role when it comes to optimizing the results of therapy and can lead to improvements in social abilities and adaptive behaviors. Therapists work with parents and caregivers closely to create plans that suit the unique needs of a child with ASD. Consequently, they can gain more independence, successfully integrate in school settings and enjoy their relationships with friends and family.

Another benefit to engaging in ASD therapy

Another benefit to engaging in ASD therapy is that it can have positive effects on families as well. Caregivers acquire tools that help support their loved one, reducing stress and strengthening family dynamics. Educators can also implement techniques from therapy that creates more welcoming classrooms and fosters better understanding among students.

Book Appointment

If you or someone close to you is struggling with Autism Spectrum Disorders, contact Bellosa Counseling now at 847-220-4977.