Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL – Bellosa Counseling – Call 847-656-5259

Whether you are the loved one of a person who is dealing with the reality and the harsh struggles of addiction and substance abuse or you have concerns regarding your own substance usage, addressing the right type of questions will help you determine whether you should seek professional addiction counseling.

If your answer is “yes” to one or more of the following questions, it may indicate addiction or abuse:

-Is drug use or alcohol consumption causing problems in your personal relationships or your relationships at the workplace?
-Are you experiencing problems fulfilling your daily responsibilities such as work, attending school, or caring for a child due to drug use or alcohol?
-Have you attempted to stop using drugs or alcohol previously but were not successful?
-Are you facing legal problems as a result of drinking or using drugs? Or, have you experienced signs of illness such as vomiting, shakiness, depression or paranoia after consumption of alcohol or drugs?
-Do you find it hard to have an enjoyable time in social settings without the use of alcohol or substances?
-Have other people expressed theirs concerns about your alcohol or drug consumption?

At Bellosa Counseling, we have a staff of effective, professional Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL specialists who gain a comprehensive understanding of each client’s addiction. Our therapists tailor treatment plans to each the client’s specific circumstances.

Addiction Counseling St. Charles IL

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any concerns or inquiries about addiction counseling.

There are also physical signs that could indicate the need for addiction counseling:

-Chronic insomnia.
-Weight loss, poor nutrition, and loss of appetite.
-Unkempt appearance, lack of personal hygiene.
-Slurred speech.
-Falls and bruising, often occurring without an explanation.
-Sensory issues.
-Recurring complaints regarding health without any evidence of any real issues.